Now is the Time for the Repeating Triplet Sequences of the Bible to be Recognized and Understood
Very few people have ever realized the implications of the repeating “triplet sequences” described throughout the Bible. To begin with, here are just a few of these triplet sequence parallels. There are actually a lot more of these triplets in the Bible (more later in this writing):
The Way The Truth The Life
Faith Hope Charity
Abraham Isaac Israel
30-Fold 60-Fold 100-Fold
Today Tomorrow The Third Day
He who Was Who Is Who Is to Come
Knowledge Wisdom Understanding
These triplet sequences have been in the Bible, right there in front of us all along for centuries, but now is the time for them to be known and understood.
There is a profound meaning to these triplets, with profound implications for everyone who truly wants to know TRUTH…to know Reality as Reality actually IS.
Throughout all the different books comprising the Bible, there is really only One Message being told. It is told over and over again using different characters, locations, and stories. Many folks believe that they already know what the One Message of the Bible is. In actuality, they know a part of the One Message. But when one understands the very simple fullness of this One Message, then the Message is quite readily seen everywhere in the Bible – even in the verses that have heretofore seemed difficult to understand. Grasping this Message allows one to understand his or her purpose for being here on earth, and provides an answer to questions harbored by many. Grasping this Message and then living it catapults one toward the highest realms of awareness.
The One Message is this: You must obtain your “name that no one knows but he that receives it” (Revelation 2:17), and this occurs when you attain the third of the three triplets. This name is the greatest treasure one could ever find. The Bible calls this, “knowing, even as also I am known” (1 Corinthians 13:12).
You are not who you think you are. You are not simply “Sally or Bill, a human living here on earth.” Because of your bodily senses and the limitations they have, it is easy to believe that you are confined to your human body, and that there is an “edge” or limit to where and what you are. But you are much more than what you “look” like. You must wake up out of your slumber to know yourself as you truly are. And remembering your real identity can only occur when you “overcome” living your life being governed by the dictates of your physical senses, which the Bible calls “sin.”
You read that correctly: to “sin” is to be governed by the dictates of your senses. Sin is not something you do, it is something you obey. We are told to “let not sin reign (rule/govern you) in your mortal body” (Romans 6:12). We are told to “sin no more” (John 5:14 and John 8:11), and to “cease from sin” (1 Peter 4:1). So we are to live by the dictates of our senses no more, and to cease from living by the dictates of our senses! And we are told that “whosoever abideth in him sinneth not” (1 John 3:6). Romans 6:1-2 says, “Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? … How shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein?”
When one is no longer ruled by the dictates of his senses, he or she is able to attain not just knowledge; not just wisdom; but also Understanding, which the Bible calls “the Knowledge (Intelligence) of the Holy” (Proverbs 9:10).
Hasn’t it ever seemed odd to you that the Bible speaks of numerous battles in which large numbers of people are slain, yet God is portrayed as a loving God who “is not willing that any should perish”? Well, what exactly are all the stories about battles and killings really trying to convey to us?
The stories are an outer picture or allegory of an inner occurrence as we grow in the knowledge of God (beyond knowledge and wisdom) to the point where “that which is perfect (perfect understanding) has come.” Being a “Jew” and being circumcised are inward things, as the apostle Paul confirmed in Romans 2:26: “He is a Jew which is one inwardly, and circumcision is that of the heart.” Paul also said that the story of Abraham’s two wives and sons IS an allegory (Galatians 4:24). We are told that Jesus spoke in “parables,” which are “parallels” describing the inner work of God in our lives, such as when he told us to clean the inside of the cup in Matthew 23:26.
The Bible’s battles, including that of Armageddon in the book of Revelation, describe an inner spiritual process in which large numbers of erroneous thoughts are wiped away in a seeming battle in which true Knowledge displaces and replaces the knowledge of error gained through the limitations and dictates of our bodily senses. The battle is literally in your mind! This is why “legions” of “demons” (which are lies in one’s mind that are the children of the original lie/error) are cast out by the Word of God that is Truth.
All truth is parallel. The Father speaks to us in parallel truth pictures so that we can bypass learning exclusively by the senses, to gain knowledge and wisdom and understanding through a process of knowing by hearing an inner confirming voice in us. Not just the teachings of Jesus, but the whole Bible is full of parallel truths. The battles with all the people dying in them are a parallel truth of what happens when we “cast down imaginations” (false sense-derived pictures of reality) that we need to remove from our mind. Some of the biggest battles we face are those against the “giants,” which are large and strong ideas of error we each must each slay.
Surely God could create mechanisms other than physical death of people in battles, to accomplish His purposes! No, the battles are not against “flesh and blood,” but against spiritual wickedness in the mind that is governed by and learns knowledge by the senses.
This parallel truth concept also applies to all the stories about large numbers of animals being killed and sacrificed in the Bible. Surely God does not need or somehow derive pleasure or satisfaction from the killing and spilling of the blood of animals that He has designed the DNA of, provided food for, caused to mate, caused to nurse and be raised, provided atmospheric oxygen for and kept safe from predators. When one does not understand what the Bible stories about animals being sacrificed MEAN, he continues to think that God is or was somehow pleased by the morbid practice of slicing open animals and having their blood splash all over the place.
Isaiah 1:11 says, “To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me?...I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of he goats.”
The spilling of the “blood” is a parallel picture of the pouring out of the wisdom / spirit of man, so that the Wisdom that comes down from above can take its place!
We have allowed our reason and logic, operating based on what we see and hear and taste and touch and smell, to lure us into believing that there exists more than simply the One God experiencing aspects of Itself. The senses entice us to erroneously mentally accept and believe in separation – that there exists, in reality, something other than God. In truth, there is or exists nothing outside of what we have termed “God.” God is, in fact, every-where-present, every-what-present, every-when-present, and every-who-present. God is also the every “why” of …everything. You are living, moving, and having your being INSIDE OF this One God who is everywhere-present (Acts 17:28).
How can this be, that God is all that exists? Remember: since God is every “where”-present, then the term “where” becomes meaningless, since one needs at least two different places for the idea of “where” to work. But God is all, and in all, and is every “where” – therefore we know that since God every “where” is, God ONLY is. There exists ONLY God. Period. And the “you” that you think you are must exist IN this God, since there is no place for you to exist that is outside-of God-who-is-every-where.
You are not who you’ve thought you are! God is IN you, AS you, THROUGH you, and is experiencing Itself AS you awakening to a remembrance of what you really ARE! And the really amazing part is, there are absolutely enormously SUPER implications for your experience of your life when you realize these things…implications for health, joy, peace, knowledge and purpose for being in existence.
Here is a longer, though not exhaustive, list of the triplet sequences found throughout the Bible – and I can visualize the great excitement readers will enjoy as they find these and others:
Knowledge Wisdom Understanding
The Way The Truth The Life
Faith Hope Charity
30-Fold 60-Fold 100-Fold
Thine is: the Kingdom The Power The Glory
Good Acceptable Perfect (will of God)
The Law The Prophets The Psalms
Breath of Life Abundant Life Eternal Life
Mount Sinai Mount of Olives Mount Zion
Man Christ God
Little Children Young Men Fathers
Abraham Isaac Israel
He Who Was Who Is Who Is to Come
The Word of God Hearing (comes by) Faith (comes by)
The Seed The Tree The Fruit (whose seed is in itself)
John’s Baptism Baptism in the Holy Ghost Baptism in the Fire
The Father The Word The Holy Ghost
Seeing Hearing Touching/Hands Handled
Not by: Power Might (but by) My Spirit
Power Love Sound Mind
My Words, (they are) Spirit (and they are) Life
Today Tomorrow The Third Day (I am perfected)
Jesus Jesus Christ Christ Jesus
Here are also some general triplet concepts we also see in the Scriptures:
Third person Second person First person
Information Revelation Realization
Asleep Awakening Awakened out of sleep
Great Greater Greatest
If you only remember one of these triplet sequences, remember this one: moving from knowledge, to wisdom, to understanding. All of the triplet sequences are to show us that we must do as Hebrews 6:1 tells us, to “go on unto perfection” (understanding). They represent a growth process or awakening-out-of-sleep process. It IS a process, and our walk with God will lead us to forsake one lie, then another, and another, until the cleaning out and assembling of our temple is finished and the “Glory of the Lord” (the understanding of wisdom) fills the temple (2 Chronicles 5:14).
This is what Jesus showed us: that the “Son of God” must give us UNDERSTANDING (1 John 5:20). We must understand that we are IN HIM, as this verse tells us, and therefore we are one-with Him who is Truth. We are not who we’ve thought we are, and when we attain the name that no one knows except he that receives it, we will then be “like Him” who we thought previously to be separate from us!
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