It's time for mankind to "get" that what appears to be solid matter is not what it seems. There are important (so-called) spiritual implications of the fact that our bodies, our planet, the animals, plants, stars, water, diamonds, carbon, radioactive materials and what we call "germs" (among numerous other things) are actually forms of something that is formless. The forms are in many cases visible to our sensing tools we call our eyes. In addition to seeing them, we can touch, taste, smell or hear various forms.
But what makes up or holds together the forms? It is the invisible "stuff" of the universe that comprises and holds together the forms. This "invisible stuff" is actually "God" that is everywhere-present -- enabling forms of Itself to have existence.
So here's the deal: everything biological or geological is actually chemical. Everything chemical is actually physics. And all physics is about electricity, or what we call electro-magnetism.
A horse is actually a bunch of atoms manifesting as what we call "horse." The molecules and atoms of the horse's cells and tissues are made of chemicals. And the chemicals, whether comprising DNA or hoof or mane, are electromagnetic forces interplaying with each other. And the electromagnetic forces are actually "God," bearing in mind that the terms "electro" and "magnetism" are in reality Intelligence and Consciousness.
God does not "have" Intelligence. God IS Intelligence, and this is described in the Bible if one chooses to look for it in the Scriptures. It's called the "knowledge of the Holy."
God does not "have" Consciousness. Rather, God IS Consciousness.
Intelligence and Consciousness are the Father and Mother of ... everything. The Father is the Design/Intelligence, and the Mother is Consciousness that functions as we would call it "glue" -- a glue that magnetizes things into a form according to the Design of the Father/Intelligence. The everywhere-present Intelligence and Consciousness is being "formed" into manifestations of form all the time by people who are doing it for the most part unconsciously. The trick is to get to the "place" where we do this CONSCIOUSLY. Unconsciously created expressions that are the product of the limited, sensory-driven mind of man are temporary -- they do not last. Consciously created expressions that are in alignment with the Will/Design/Word of the Father/Ultimate Intelligence last forever.
Have you ever wondered why Bible teachers all the time refer to the heavenly "Father" and the "Son," but don't talk about the "Mother"? It seems pretty obvious for a Father to get to the place of having a Son, He's going to need a Mother in between the two of them to "make it happen."
The "Son" is the fruit of two that have become one flesh. Eve came out of Adam, then the two of them joined to birth a child - an expression of the two that are really ONE.
It's time that mankind UNDERSTAND how he can participate in creating expressions of the ONE (whom many call "God") that are lasting, beautiful, enjoyable and beneficial to everyone and everything in universe. There are NO harmful "side effects" of creations guided by and in alignment with the everywhere-present Intelligence and Consciousness that are together called "LIFE."
As Jesus said in John 7:24, "judge not according to the appearance." Our sensing tools can lead us to "judge" reality as an external, physical expression only, when in fact Jesus always focused folks on the internal, spiritual true reality. In John 7 he spoke about circumcision and being made "whole" -- both of which are, in their true, primary essence, an inner work (circumcision, Paul said, is of the heart, Romans chapter 2).
Let us all seek to see the inner reality of this earth experience we are all having, recognizing that since "God" is everywhere-present, we should all "wait on the Lord" to find what words and actions we should speak and do. In this way we can participate fully in the Father's Plan/Design for Its experience of Itself in and through "I" and all (seemingly) "other" forms of Itself. In this way, we will be "one with" our Father/Source.
As the apostle Paul said in Acts 17:28, "IN HIM we live and move and have our being." We are literally inside of our Father/Source, and He/She/It is in us! The Father desires all to know our true Nature, since we are inside of, and one-with, LIFE/Itself.
So what are things (that are real and lasting) made of? The same thing "you" are made of. You are not who you've thought you are! You are not somehow separate from the attributes of the One. For that to be true, the One would have to have somehow divided Itself from Itself! You ARE one-with your Father/Source! And therefore "you" are not separate from anything that is Real!