In the Scriptures, over and over again we are presented with what we've termed "the parables of place."
What do we mean by this? In a nutshell, the statements about a promised "land," a "new heaven and a new earth," a "better country," a "city (New Jerusalem)" and a "house which is from heaven" are all referring to a place of dwelling we all must attain to. This same story is told repeatedly throughout the Scriptures. King David wrote in Psalm 27:4: "One thing have I desired...that I may dwell in the HOUSE of the Lord all the days of my life."
But where will we be dwelling when we have attained to these places (which are all really referring to only one place)?
We will be dwelling in the place that "God" dwells in. There are many Bible verses describing this.
One of the most well-known Scriptures has Jesus saying, "I go to prepare a PLACE for you...that where I am, there ye may be also."
Well, WHERE EXACTLY is He, and when you are THERE ALSO, WHERE -- exactly -- will you be?
Isn't God every"where"? So WHERE will you be if you are there ALSO?! Could it be that when this happens, you will be a manifestation of the answer to Jesus' prayer when he prayed to his Father, "that they may be one, even as we are one"?
But here is the best part: this doesn't have to happen in some far-off future. We are told to NOW, in this life, "let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God." This verse in Philippians 2 coincides with the oneness prayer of Jesus in John 17.
The PLACE is the MIND OF GOD you can and will dwell in. This Mind is everywhere-present. If you seek it, you WILL be immersed in/baptized into it!