We live on a planet where we are surrounded by insects that live in the ground, in our buildings, in and on water, on animals and plants, and in lots of other places. We call them “bugs.” They can bite or sting us, and they swarm and eat our crops and other food, and can damage structures.
We also live in a sea of microorganisms that we call “germs,” including viruses, bacteria and other organisms that are so small we’re tempted to act as if they don’t exist. Some cause disease. Others are helpful to humans. And there are enormous numbers of germs in and on our bodies.
We also encounter annoying plants we call “weeds.” They can be poisonous, they grow where we’d prefer them not to be, and they take energy and time to “manage” them.
We similarly find particles of the earth we call “dust” on surfaces everywhere. The dust can accumulate, shelter unwanted organisms, impact our eyes, damage equipment, and pollute the air we breathe and harm our respiratory systems.
So why discuss bugs, germs, weeds and dust? To answer this, consider the following questions:
1. Do you think bugs, germs, weeds and dust create disorder, pain, hazards or undesirable effects in the Kingdom of God?
2. Was Jesus bitten by mosquitoes?
3. Is even one speck of dust out of order in God’s Kingdom?
Clearly these four categories of experiences do not rule “God.”
Do you believe they must continue to rule us here and now? In the book of Revelation, we are told we are to “overcome,” and Jesus also spoke about “overcoming the world.” Does “overcoming” also include overcoming bugs, germs, weeds and dust?
We see in Exodus 8:22 that during the plagues sent by God to Pharaoh and the Egyptians, no swarms of flies were found in the “land” (mind) where the children of Israel lived. Jesus told his disciples in Matthew 10:8 to “cleanse the lepers.” Leprosy is caused by a “germ.” Weeds, called in Matthew 13 “tares” or “thorns,” are not found in the “ground” (mind) where there is fruit (understanding) that has come out of the seed/knowledge/word of God sown in a man’s mind. And in 1 Samuel 2:8, we read, “He raiseth up the poor (the spiritually ignorant) out of the dust…to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory.” When God answered Elijah by “fire,” 1 Kings 18:38 says the fire “consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood, and the stones, and the dust…”
All truth is parallel. All of these things – bugs, germs, weeds, and dust – are spiritual pictures, or parallels/parables to show us what can and must be overcome by every person on his way to becoming “the head, and not the tail; above only, and not beneath” (Deuteronomy 28:13). As we overcome ignorant and erroneous ideas in the inner, mental realm, their corresponding physical forms begin to fade away in the outer realm of the physical world.
What causes scorpions, roaches, harmful spiders and other similarly undesirable bugs? Man creates by his word, as does his heavenly Father/Source. The scorpions, roaches, etc are the distorted creations of men who speak words and create from the “place” of a carnal/fleshly/sensory-driven mind. They are the manifestations of the fallen words of man that go out of his mouth and fall to the ground to express in and as creations that are discordant and harmful.
When man speaks words led of God, his creations by his words are beautiful, harmonious, and lasting.
When man speaks with vibrations/words that are caused by ignorance, fear, and uncontrolled emotions, he “misqualifies” the everywhere-present God-Substance into discordant forms of bugs…and also germs, weeds, and uncleanliness of dust.
As one grows in spiritual knowledge, he creates beautiful forms of expression of Light. His growing and increasingly shining Light will “disturb” the hidden mental places within where malformed bugs and germs are formed and hide, often causing them to swarm or become visible or known as they seek to avoid the Light. But continue in your growth until the undesirable creations become less frequently seen and finally fade away.
The fate of the tares (weeds) is to be “burned in the fire,” (Matthew 13:30 and 40), and so the fire is actually a healing force that is cleansing us from our ignorance.
Imagine a world – your world – where there are no harmful or undesirable bugs, germs, weeds or dust in the inner realms of your mind and the outer physical world! Then see yourself living in a world where others have co-created with you a collective realm of harmony and beauty. In this state – in this “place” – there is no fear. So be it!